Monday, September 19, 2011

Reishi--The Herb in Healthy Coffee

REISHI is a very rare and precious Chinese medicine (herb). Since Immemorial time, only royalty had the privilege of consuming it.

REISHI with its medical efficacy was attested to the ancient Chinese medical text (presumed to be over 2,000 years old). The book, which is known in Japan as "Shinnoh Honzohkyo", is now recognized as being the original textbook of Oriental medical science. There are 365 kinds of medicines that are classified and explained. Reishi was first categorized as a "Superior Medicine (herb) in "Shinnoh Honzohkyo" and also in the "Chinese Outline of Herbs" written by Li Sze Tsun of the Ming Dynasty. In both texts, Reishi has been ranked the Number One Herb, ahead of Ginseng which is ranked Number Two among the 365 recognized herbs. In "Shinnoh Honzohkyo", six kinds of Reishi (blue, red, yellow, white, black and purple) are fully explained and the red one has been enjoying the most favorable reputation among them.

"RED REISHI" - there are no side effects, it cures lumps on the lungs, benefits the breath, increases wisdom while nurturing the body, cures forgetfulness, and when taken for a long time keeps the body light and youthful like a god translated from "Shinnoh Honzohkyo".

RED REISHI is referred to as a "Superior Medicine" because when compared to the ordinary medicine it has the following superior qualities:

1. Daily consumption is acceptable and has no side effects.
2. Regular consumption of Reishi will regulate bodily functions to its normal forms.
3. Its medical power is effective in all organ functions.


Germination of Red Reishi in a natural environment is not easily attained due to its hard shell surface. The surrounding environment such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, quality of the wood logs and carbon dioxide density in the air all play an important role in the cultivation process. If any of the above conditions are not met, Reishi will not grow to maturity and its medical value will be largely diminished. Wild-grown Reishi is prone to diseases and insect infestations. The mother fungi also plays an important role in the quality of the Reishi.


Firstly, the process for cultivation of Red Reishi (hereinafter referred to as Reishi) involves grafting the superior Reishi fungi onto aged dried wood of Japanese oak which are then placed in green houses under strict controlled environmental conditions. It is watched carefully by research growers over its cultivation period. This method of cultivation is far more complex and time consuming than the other method, which is, in bottles of wood pulp.

Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd., by their advanced technology in cultivation have obtained the essence of the heart-shaped Reishi and it is packaged for easy consumption in pill and granular form.


Physicians around the world have paid high attention to "ADAPTOGEN", which is one of the healing properties that the Reishi possesses.

In Japan, reports from hospitals and medical research centers on Reishi's medicinal values have been astonishing. The whole mysterious character of Reishi is not yet known, but it is believed that the main medical function of Reishi is to aid blood circulation and increase the metabolic activities of cells inside the human body and also help the proper functioning of all internal organs. It can also strengthen poor health and increase the natural immunity of the body. It is most effective in the curing of diseases which arise from poor blood circulation. It also helps attain long life and beauty.


During the early stages of consuming the Reishi, one may experience dizziness, sore bones, itchy skin, have increased bowel movements, hardening of the feces, and/or pimple-like eruptions appearing on various parts of the body. For some people, diarrhea may occur but it will subside between two to five days and thereafter will stop. The time frame may vary from person to person. The excretion of accumulated body poisons and vigorous activities of body metabolism are the normal signs of recovery and they indicate that the medicinal properties of Reishi are functioning well. Such irregularities differ between individuals and will eventually disappear as the body accustoms to the regular use of Reishi. Although, Reishi may have many physiological reactions due to the medicinal effect, it does not produce any side effects that are associated with most chemical drugs.

The "recovery symptoms" is the normal response in medical treatments as stated in the old Chinese medicine text, "Sheung Shu". Persons suffering from problems of the liver, kidney, stomach, intestine or pancreas, bronchitis, measles, constipation, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, headaches and other allergies will respond very easily with the above-mentioned, "recovery symptoms". Such reactions are only temporary, lasting only a few days until the body adjusts to the overall improved activity from consuming Reishi. Daily consumption of large amounts of water is recommended.


Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd., the pioneer of Japanese chemical industry, was established in 1887. Since then, they have been making great contributions to society through exceptional products and services.

In the early seventies, in addition to the existing products, Nissan Chemical undertook an intensive research program in the cultivation of Red Reishi because of its potentially high medical value. After endless stream of hard work and dedication, as well as sufficient funding, Nissan's researchers finally developed the cultivation method that is worthy of the commitment in the production of this excellent marketable product.


Nissan Reishi comes in pill and granular form. It is packaged in small aluminum foil packs for consumer's convenience. The pill form comes in 100 pills per box, with 2 pills to a pack, making 50 packs to 1 box. The granular form contains 50 packs to 1 box.

Nissan Chemical guarantees each 50-pack box to contain at least 6,000 mg of essence extracted from no less than 75 gm of the superior Red Dried Reishi from their own cultivation.

Nissan Reishi is a natural dietary nutrient supplement.


General Analysis:

Ganoderma mushroom : 223% (pill type)

Pesticide residue : not detected

Arsenic (as As) : not detected (less than 0.5 ppm)

Heavy metals (as Pb) : not detected (less than 20 ppm)

Standard plate count of
bacteria : not more than 300 cfu/g

Coliform bacteria : negative

Attention: There are many kinds of Reishi. Reishi with medicinal value is very rare. When purchasing whole dried Reishi or Reishi products, please make sure that you are buying the right product.


Perhaps, the quality level of Reishi that is consumed is low.

Reishi is a rare "Superior Herb" with incredible medicinal value. Through years of research in Japan, it is proven that the tea-coloured Reishi has great healing value, and the red-coloured has the highest medicinal value. Furthermore, it is proven that in order to cultivate top quality Reishi plant, one must use mother fungi, which has the most potent medicinal value, combined with the method that is most similar with its natural growing environment. It is most regrettable that this method is very costly and it takes approximately 2 years to complete, thus, making the end product expensive. For the consumers, buying top-quality Reishi products in the marketplace is complicated because many Reishi suppliers have produced only enough to meet the demand of the general public. The cultivation period time for low quality Reishi plants are approximately 3 - 4 months only.

Nissan Reishi is a product manufactured by Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. of Japan. With the use of whole wood logs, high medical-valued fungi, advanced technology and strict supervision, Nissan Reishi has been recognized by consumers in Japan, Canada, United States of America, Europe and the Far East.


Western medical practices base their diagnoses on examinations of organs and symptoms. Medications with known unwanted side effects continue to be employed as long as they can relieve the pains of patients.

Traditional Chinese medical practices aim to cure by normalizing all bodily functions in a patient. It holds the notion that unless everything is put onto the right track, there can be no complete cure. Reishi normalizes the bodily functions without any side effects; it is used as a preventative medicine. This is why the Western medical practices have not yet valued the Reishi's medical efficacy.

Reishi has been treated as a preventative medicine against sickness, large dosages of it may have higher recovery effects. Japanese researchers continue their research on Reishi's medical efficacy and firmly believe that in the near future the West will also value Reishi's medicinal value.


The consumption amount of Reishi differs from individuals. A pack (2 tablets) a day for a healthy person will enhance their immune system, aid blood circulation, increase and strengthen vitality and make the person less prone to diseases. An individual with discomforts should take 2 - 4 packs a day and those who are suffering from terminal illnesses should take large dosage. Reishi is also a dietary supplement; a high consumption level is harmless. It does not produce any side effects like most chemical drugs. You can consume Reishi even if you are on other medications.

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